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Convert Oracle Math Functions to SQL Server Math Functions

Function Oracle SQL Server
Absolute Value ABS(p) ABS(p)
Arc Cosine ACOS(p) ACOS(p)
Arc Sine ASIN(p) ASIN(p)
Arc Tangent ATAN(p) ATAN(p)
Arc Tangent of n and m ATAN2(p1, p2) ATN2(p1, p2)
Smallest Integer Greater Than or Equal to Input Value CEIL(p) CEILING(p)
Cosine COS(p) COS(p)
Hyperbolic Cosine COSH(p) COT(p)
E Raised to the nth Power EXP(p) EXP(p)
Largest Integer Value Less Than or Equal to Input Value FLOOR(p) FLOOR(p)
Natural Logarithm LN(p) LOG(p)
Logarithm of n Base m LOG(m, n) LOG(p1, p2)
Logarithm, Base 10 LOG(10, p) LOG10(p)
Modulus MOD(p1, p2) p1 % p2
Power POWER(p1, p2) POWER(p1, p2)
Random Number Not Available RAND()
Remainder REMAINDER(p1, p2) Not Available
Round ROUND(p1, p2) ROUND(p1, p2)
Sign of Number SIGN(p) SIGN(p)
Sine SIN(p) SIN(p)
Hyberbolic Sine SINH(p) Not Available
Square Root SQRT(p) SQRT(p)
Tangent TAN(p) TAN(p)
Hyberbolic Tangent TANH(p) Not Available
Truncate TRUNC(p1, p2) ROUND(p1, p2, 1)
Greatest Value in a List of Expressions GREATEST(p1, p2, ..., pn) GREATEST(p1, p2, ..., pn)
Smallest Value in a List of Expressions LEAST(p1, p2, ..., pn) LEAST(p1, p2, ..., pn)
Convert Number if NULL NVL(p1, p2) ISNULL(p1, p2)